Tuesday, 27 September 2011

- Exceptions.

This is my hardworking husband. Father to my Princess and ultimately the best at providing for us. 5 years later and he's still giving me a major headache. :) Your the bestest Mr Lealea. 

 My brother and my sister-in-law. As siblings they annoy me at times.. but I guess you can't choose your family. lol. They are known as our 'Flatmates' and LOVE there 'Reggae'. Love you both.

 Aunty Bubbles. Me & this girl have been through alot. I consider her family as she is practically just another local at home. We've growen up in the same neighbourhood and shes also my personal nanny as she always comes and looks after my daughter when we finish late from work :) Always down for anything:)

 My loves. These two are the ones that got me into blogging in the first place. They got me into twitter to. These two LOVE hollywood / Glamour and seeing the world for what it is. One is quiet and studying a Art Degree and the other a hardworking chika who adores her family and basically still spoils me and my daughter everyday :) hehe. Stunning. My down-time girls :)

My homegirls :) hehe. Middle one is my daughters God - Mother. We went school together and still kickin it now. We both have kids and have done everything you can possibly think of together. We surely lived it up before settling down. hehe. Sulu is just amazing. Shes quiet and friendly, but you can hear her laugh from anywhere. These two are def. my crazy girls. :)

" Forever in debt to them "
My Backbone and Foundation.
Mum and Dad.

With Love.

Monday, 26 September 2011

- Forgiveness.

Today I received a email, regarding a old friend whom I haven't spoken to for awhile due to reasons which left me questioning our 'friendship' to begin with. This person in particular was cunning and very discreet in the way they did things. This person got away with every lie, adultery and possibly every excuse in the book, but I stuck by them through all of it, until eventually I got sick of it.

This person however was in my life for a VERY long time. We were practically childhood friends come to think of it. Everything I knew about this person was the same reason I loved them. Their laughter / drama / Achievements etc... again what can you do when the person who was your presumably your best friend was just a walking disaster. Never owning up to mistakes. Always coming up with the most believable excuses and eventually getting away with almost everything they did.

So it came to that point where all connections were cut. Friendship was deleted and quite frankly all the good and bad memories of this lifelong friendship erased without ounce of regret. Well for me anyway.

2 years now - and I hear back from them. A email which expresses the absence between us and how much they miss seeing my daughter especially because we live in the same country and always seem to pass each other in local events and things that happen within the community. 

I thought it takes quite a lot of guts to send a email to someone whom you left on such bad terms with. I mean, I've had my fair share of bad friends and learning curves within myself being a friend but it takes someone who has changed things in their life to actually email someone as stubborn as myself. I'm the type - F*ck me over repeatedly and were done. Not even a explanation of why they did wrong mattered. Think it was a trust thing for me. I found it hard to trust people who do bad to me or my family. I guess like anyone would?

So it took me a couple of hours to reply. I was still quite shocked they emailed me in the first place? I was quite relieved they emailed me because I was hoping to find the right time to actually 'forgive and forget'. I guess NOW is that time.

I guess the reason I'm writing this is because I have a lot of friends like that - one's I have 'let be' and one's I still care about. Isn't it hard choosing and picking your friends without questioning every single person's motives? How can you actually trust someone with a secret about you without knowing that the info your about to share with them will eventually be told elsewhere even after the 'I promise I won't tell,you know me' line? Lol. 

How well do you know your friends? I was once told '3 good friends' is all you need. Just a handful. and that has actually stuck with me now. '3 good friends' the rest all mutual. I love this piece of advice.

So I eventually replied. I cleared my head and I wrote to this person. It's always good to think about what your going to say before you say it. I'm bad like that.. I write what I feel at the time and then regret it later. So I hope I said the right things. I guess there will always be those types of people that were in your life for a huge amount of time that you will never forget.

 I don't think will go back to being 'besty's' but I know now that sometimes in life I have to put my pride aside and actually make a effort to change myself. Forgiveness can be the hardest thing. Easiest said then done. But I feel I've forgiven this person now - Fully. Regardless if this person is still the same today as they were back then, I'm thankful they took the time out to email me at least now I know I can fully close that door of hatred towards them.

In the end you learn - every experience we go through in life - makes us wiser.

I forgive you -  I forgive myself.

With Love.

Sunday, 25 September 2011

- Newtown, Wellington / NZ


So I've lived in Newtown for most of my life. Moved around twice but mainly returned to this Suburb. A friendly suburb indeed, alot of cultural diversity as well as a handful of ethnic shops surrounding the mall. You will probably see at least 2 people busking away in front of the Local Supermarket and 2 beggars in complete drabs wanting money or food. I went shopping today with my daughter, shopping with a little one as young as 2 is quite a mission in itself, chasing them around the shops, losing them while your concentrating on what food to buy and hearing things fall in a distance... but you get use to it once you know what things will keep your baby busy for the time you are out and my daughter, she loves anything that looks interesting and can distract her for at least 20mins.. in this case it was a puzzle from the $2 shop. Very Handy indeed, pop her in the trolley and your sussed for the majority of your food shopping trip.

In Newtown we have a big McDonald's Merchandise right in the centre alongside New World (Supermarket) and the video shop. It is a pretty small but sophisticated area with variety of indoor and outdoor cafe's. Businesses open and close often in this area but once you've lived here for a huge share in your life you begin to notice all that when you walk through the town.

Some may know this suburb as 'Ghetto', 'Gang Related' and 'Not Safe' but that's certainly not the case.. In every neighborhood there is a fair share of events that happen that concern the public, but I guess for me personally I have never experienced a situation threatening enough to raise concern.

Call me a local I guess? You begin to know and remember faces of those that have resided here for ages and those who have just moved in. It's always a good thing to know your surroundings and know those around you.. especially if your planning to live in a area for a long amount of time - gives you peace of mind.

I've come to the reality that I love this Suburb. If I ever plan to travel again and reside somewhere else I would always return here. For me its a place I am comfortable with.. A place my life begun and a place I started a family in also.

No matter how many things change in this place.. Good and Bad.. I can always call this place 'Home'.

With Love.

- First Blog.


So I just got back from Coffee with my darling girls at Enigma a local cafe in the City. Two of them spoke excitedly about blogs they have been reading online, by Hollywood Stars of course. It sounded exciting how much you can visualize a person just by listening to my girls explain there life without even meeting them. Apparently 'Blog/Blogs' is a way people express themselves to the world. So it got me thinking.. If people can openly discuss their feelings online then maybe me blogging about me will help me learn more about myself as a person.. maybe 5 years from now when I read this blog it will help me understand how I got to where I am? Or maybe me blogging about my life and having people respond will make me connected with yet another person in this Big Bad World. hehe. Whatever the reason.. Here is me starting my first ever blog to the world....

Hmmm.. Alot of things have happened this year for me. My baby turned 2. I started working again. Getting back in to Sports. Realizing Friendships. Gaining weight / Losing weight. Taking my baby to Sunday School etc... Honestly so many different things, its crazy how many years go past and how many new things we learn along the way. Especially all the changes in life itself - CRAZY! Lol. But in a good way of course.

This month.. Only thing I achieved was randomly booking flights for me and my family to go to Samoa for a Holiday next month. I'm EXCITED. This will be me and my husbands first trip away with our baby girl - so should be an exciting adventure :) Today is also the beginning of Daylight Saving - which means time will be moved forward, which also means I am considering pulling a 'sicky' tomorrow because I'm still in weekend mode. hehe. I wish I could be a 'Stay-at-home' mother forever, If only we could be paid minimum wage to stay with our kids at home all day..ohh if only.

Well this month has come and gone by so fast - My trip is the only highlight as well as Rugby World Cup 2011. Atmosphere is crazy here in NZ. It's AMAZING to see the whole world in one place :)

With Love.