Wednesday, 4 January 2012

- Goodbye 2011.

Yes, it's about that time we farewell the year before us and look forward to the Year ahead. As most would say - 'New Year, New YOU!'.
 Here are some of the things I did during the final days of 2011.

Breakfast for a nice Summer's day.

Christmas Eve - Mum's Side & in-laws. 

My Bodyguards - Raha & Mase. LOL.

Christmas day - 12am. Presents Time.

Mum & Dad and there favourite child. 

Spoilt little girl has the best presents.

Present from Aunty Niseeh. Thank you - says 'Isis'

Present from Uncle Nape & Aunty Kla. 

We all stayed up to watch 'The Orator' haha.

Thank you Aunty Ray. 

Christmas Day - Beautiful day. Filling up Isis's pool.

My Island Princess.

Isis and her Fijian Grand-dad & Uncle Ice.

Isis & her Samoan grand-dad chillin'

P-town Aunty's with there new hats. lol

Went for a Cruise on Christmas Day.

with these two & our driver. haha.

Curled one of the girls hair for a night out.

NYE with homegirl - Ray.

and her awesome family in the P.

Crazy night - Countdown to 2012. Cheeerss!

Family Day out - Top of Mount Victoria.

First time at church for 2012.

So many things have happened in the final days of 2011 for me.
My Sis in Australia had her first born 'Zachariah' Congrats to you Analote & Uaki,
 Played in a Samoan Cricket Tournament with girls I met on the field, we
didn't come anywhere but the experience was awesome.
Got to meet old friends again and rekindled friendships.
One of my best-friends returning home from her trip to SYD.
Took part in our church xmas play - fun times.
Hang out more with my in-laws & family.

Personally the end of December was probably the busiest month I've
for 2011. hehe. It was a month to reflect and accept.
My baby girl is talking and understanding more of everything around her.
It still amazes me. I love her! She's my BEST masterpiece I've had in my lifetime.

Farewell 2011 - Thanks some of the 'BEST' memories.
If I've learn't anything from that year it was this 
'Surround yourself with Positive People & you'll live a more fulfilling life'

Love one Another.

With Love.