Friday, 23 December 2011

-Friday Funday.

Friday was yet another beautiful day in Wellyhood. 
Sun was out, kids were out,
glasses on and atmosphere was amazing. 
This is how me and babygirl's day
Woke up - had breakfast. ( Koko laisa )  

Brushed our teeth :)

Then we went to Aunty Kailah's Appointment.

Walked down to Newtown to visit Uncle Nape at work.

Started playing in the Reception area.. 

Ate there Shared Lunch - up to us. hehe.       

went for lunch at McDonalds so Isis could meet...

her long lost cousin - Tayah-Jane.

they both had some lunch..

Played some more..

Brother came to hug mother and give her some money. hehe

Tayah-Jane came home to hang out..

Put some more presents under the tree.. Yupee.

Hanging out in the kitchen.. 
Watching T.V..
View outside my house.. :)
Nice day for a little sippy.. it was so hot!
with these crazy people.. lol.
and there cool wine casket bags..
Babygirl was enjoying the sun to..

That was Friday. Pretty Laid-Back day with the peeps, 
weather was so hot it was the
perfect day to chill and have a quiet one. 
Christmas coming up
and im totally getting into the Christmas Spirit! 
Can't wait for babygirl to open her 
presents... and having everyone over to celebrate this festive season.

I love Summer Time. 

With Love.

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