Saturday, 10 March 2012

Another Sunny Day.

Saturday - Family Day. We woke up.. Sun was beaming here in Wellington. It was Isis's papa's birthday to. We gave him his present, made brekkie then he went to his Church meeting. Me, Isis and her dad went for a cruise out to Porirua, looked at a few shops.. (we were actually going to look for clothes for me) but I ended up buying clothes for Isis. Argh! Doesn't help most baby clothes look better then Adult Clothes. Ha!

Had lunch at the local Bakery in the mall, drove to pick up my little cousin Laumua from home and headed back to our place. Sun was so hot it was literally making me fall asleep, lol. Was a very productive day, we came home and I tried to teach Isis how to potty train, we made a chart to let her be encouraged to go toilet, we proposed if she was able to go toilet by herself without a nappy to assist then she will get a sticker every time and at the end of the week will give her a treat, trying to get her into a routine. So lets hope for the best this year with her potty training :)  we finished off the day by having ice-cream at home and watching movies. Just a Typical Weekend!

With Love.



Avasa Aperaamo said...

Hi Lusa, baby is grown heaps, she started of looking like her dad but shes a whole image of you now. Hope u and your little family are well. xox


Oh thanks doll, hey where bouts are you? Theres a youth 30th birthday at the end of the month at church if your free. So its 31st March 2012 - 6pm onwards, food will be provided and everyone from back in the days are all going to be there to share in items and celebrations. Would be nice to have you there. Hope your well. X