Sunday, 3 June 2012

Sober Driver.

Some of the many awesome things to do while pregnant is to
Sober drive. Ha! So on Saturday I sober drove for my homegirl
Ray Lolo & the girls. She had a club fundraiser in Miramar,
She plays rugby for Ories Clubroom, Wellington.

It was a interesting event, many drunk moments indeed, but 
it was good to see most of the people I hadn't seen in ages.

Some of the girls from Auckland came down for the weekend to:
Faye and Moe. So those were some of my passengers.
Was good to see some more babymama's in the mix. :) 

Started in Jville at Sulu's house.
Medz, Faye, Moe & Suuz.

Pretty Auckland girls.

Was good to see Miss Sammy there.

Ray & Noels: East girls. Ha! 

Aaron & Mason

Drinking Spot.

Annie & Miss Kennach - She is Zumba Instructor material. Lol.

This is what I did while everyone was drinking: Eat. #Faddy. Lol.

Afa Bafa: Good to see this nigga! Ha! #ChildhoodFriend.

Olo & Yash: Krumpers. Ha! 

Phammy (Nana) & Suuy: Pretty!

Jessie still dancing away. Lol. #Funnygirl.

Tulima & Afa.

Annie. Suuy & Ray.

Overall it was a good night, my passengers didn't play up
and I didn't have to carry anyone out of the car. Lol.
Even snuck away to Haitaitai Bakery without my passengers 
knowing. Ha! 

Always a good time with my ASLR girls.


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