Maternity Clothes? Still wearing the same, did buy some new sport shoes though, to hopefully motvate me to start walking again - still working on that! Ha!
Stretch Marks? No new ones to report, thankfully.
Sleep? Did have a okay sleep this week, managed to get through the night with one toilet break :)
Best Moment this week? Having a day off with husband, going to my hospital appointments and chilling out in the sun - fantastic 'US' time. Haven't had those in awhile. Ha!
Miss Anything? Playing Sports :( Gained so much this pregnancy, it's going to be hard to get back into the active scene. Haha!
Movement? She's head down now- so I can always feel random movements everywhere :)
Food Cravings? Hot food is always a winner :) I miss Seafood though-badly!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Hmmm, wish there was - but I love food this week!
Gender? Still a girl! hehe.
Labour Signs? Nope! Although Dr's have said baby is getting quite big. Ha!
Symptoms? Same symptoms, Lower Back pain, Fatigue - but been manageable this week!
Belly Button in or out? Out :)
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy - Hubby has been fantastic! Feel more relaxed this week, just heaps of appointments this month to keep me on my feet :)
Looking forward to? My scan this Thursday, to see how baby is doing seeing as how her measurements show she is getting a bit big, but that's what happened to my first princess and she was alright, think she just wants us to see her again before she comes the little miss! #Excited.
8 more weeks.
'Your so amazing - just the way you are'