Friday, 13 July 2012

30 Weeks.

How far along? 29 Weeks + 6 Days / Every Sunday is a new week, She's the size of a Pineapple now! Woop.
Maternity Clothes? Haven't brought any Maternity clothes since carrying my 2nd bub. Although my sister-in-law in Melbourne surprised me with some lovely tops, think she was sick of me saying I looked like a Parachute with the Tops I was wearing. ha! (Thanks Kailah) 
Stretch Marks? Yes, unfortunately! Boo.
Sleep? Not to good this week, have been up 3x max in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom - very annoying! Usually have afternoon naps when possible and have been getting reasonable amounts of sleep in's, now that I've finished work! Bonus :)
Best Moment this week? Visiting my Midwife and knowing our Princess is growing fine. Hearing her healthy heartbeat and getting solutions to help cope with my back pain. Grrr.
Miss Anything? Being able to bend over.. it's very uncomfortable having to squat all the time! Ha! I guess I am officially at that uncomfortable stage where I feel big & heavy and out of breath all the time, so definitely looking forward to feeling 'normal' again :)
Movement? Heaps and Heaps especially when it's just us lying down chilling! Midwife says  she is lying across my tum, so hopefully on our next visit she will be in the head down position.
Food Cravings? Omg... Anything Spicy, So bad! Especially 'Thai' food. Craving that heaps lately.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope, Probably over-eating makes me feel queasy! Bad Habit! Haha.
Gender? Girl! 
Labour Signs? Nope.
Symptoms? Heartburn, Fatigue, Shortness of breath, doesn't help my lungs are all squashed up in there. Lol.
Belly Button in or out? Out :)
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy - but most of the time moody this week! Grrr! Beware! My poor Flatmates.. haha!
Looking forward to? Setting up my Princess cot again. Going through all her baby clothes. Being able to hear her heartbeat again at my next appointment. Hoping for another scan, dying to see her again, although they say the next time I will see baby is when I give birth, but hoping to pursue them to give me one! Ha! - Again since I suffer from EBS (Early-bird Syndrome) I have already packed my Maternity bag for baby. 2 months before due date. I will probably take it out and do it again! Ha! But for now, it's always good to be prepared :)

Maternity Bag: $30.00. 
(Wish I kept Isis bag - Grr)

Packed with Pink - Mostly with Isis's hand-me-downs.
(Thank God for Storage)

Some Essential's for baby if I have to stay in the hospital.
(Still need to buy Nappies)

Isis's going home bodysuit when she was born. 
I loved this. It fitted Isis perfectly and kept her snug on
our way home from the hospital.
Now it's time to pass on her to Little Sister :)
(Thank you Aunty Rocky & Vee Faletolu) 

With Love.


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