Tuesday, 10 July 2012

July Holidays;

Just some of the things we did while it was the school holidays; Aunty Laumua is 
always with us most School Holidays so we try find fun things to do in this small city;
called Wellington.

Beautiful Wellington Beaches; Lyall Bay.

Loves to be independent; Little Miss.

She loves reading this book; She says my sister is in mommy's tummy and she looks like this.

Loves building things; Making her sister a house, so she says.

Then she knows she has to pack it away after.

Off  to the movies; Watch Ice Age 4.

Bus ride to town;

Chinese for lunch; Aunty Mua.

Popcorn; Mmmm.

Ice-block time; Mmmm.

Happy Days; At the Park.

Down the Slide;

Big girl.

Visited some new houses down the road; Up to us.. Ha! 

Back home; 


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