So I'm 24 weeks - Tummy is growing fine.
Clothes don't fit anymore. Ha!
2nd time round is much easier then the first I guess?
Feels faster in a way - but still don't like that waiting game. lol.
Having random headaches, Over do it sometimes - work wise,
only because it is a full on job working with kids, especially if it's
different kids everyday. #CantComplain. Taking days off when I know
I'm not feeling up to it - Husbands orders.
14 more weeks to go. Isis is getting use to the fact there is a
baby in my tummy, me and her have even come up with a name,
but will see how I feel closer to the day, I always end up changing my mind.
At 24 weeks: I am a little bit more clumsy, forgetting things easily. Feeling
baby moving a bit more. Still waking up twice to go bathroom in the middle
of the night. Swollen feet (can't fit some of my shoes) Craving Chocolate:
especially 'Roasted Almond Chocolate' Argh! Trying to keep up with my H2O
and feeling tired around the afternoon is getting more common now.
Very excited: Still have a long way to go, but I'm excited to
have a sister and sibling for my little Princess and she is to :)
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