Monday, 28 May 2012

Fobsquad Reunion.

So about 7 years ago in my college days we had a group called
the 'Fobsquad' it consisted of 14 girls. We were a bunch of girls who met at 
college and formed this friendship with heaps of funny and memorable moments.

Tonight was probably the first time since then that we were able to catch up again,
there were some missing due to the fact they moved overseas and have had families,
but tonight was dedicated to 'Fairen Williams' and her little girl Carmella who are 
moving to Canada to see her husband who plays Basketball there.

We wish you all the best on your new Adventure Fairen and 
hopefully we can all meet again, God willing.

Fairen and Carmella Williams.

Jessie Kennach and her man - Udanda. Ha! 

Carmella and Solomona - Fairen & Tinai's kids.

Group Shot.

Aunty Tai & Isis.

Aunty Liga, Carmella & Mommy.

Miss Pemerika, Carmella and Miss Kennach-Udanda. Lol.

Carmella, Aunty Mine & Jessie.

Goodnight Shot with my big belly. Ha! 

2000- 2005.
Those days were some of the craziest yet best times of my life,
these girls were all a part of that wild journey and I'm so happy
that I can say 7 years later you girls are still crazy as mofo's. Lol. 

We missed you: 
Mary Kereti
Lenisa Leiataua
Leaia Galuega-Kaio
Miriama Manila
Hope Baker

To many more Goodtimes ahead.

WEGC 05.

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